2023-2024 Non-Public School Transportation Requests

2023-2024 Non-Public School Transportation Requests

This form is for parents/guardians to request bus transportation to a non-public school.

For FIRST DAY & START OF SCHOOL services, this form MUST be completed by June 30, 2023. ALL forms completed after this date will be processed following Labor Day and subsequent requests will be processed within 3-5 school days. This includes all previous year riders and new enrollees.

If using a daycare provider or sitter you must also fill out a childcare form. Childcare forms must be completed by June 30, 2023. All childcare forms completed after June 30, 2023, will be processed following Labor Day. This includes all previous year's childcare arrangements and any new childcare arrangements.

If there is a shared parenting agreement, you must also fill out a shared parenting form. Shared parenting forms must be completed by June 30, 2023. All shared parenting forms completed after June 30, 2023, will be processed following Labor Day. This includes all previous year's shared parenting arrangements and any new shared parenting arrangements.

All Requests MUST be consistent in terms of AM, PM, or BOTH for ALL DAYS. Parents are responsible for knowing what day(s) their child rides the bus home from school. Communicate any changes with the school.

Note: Students who DO NOT RIDE for 10 consecutive days (without notification from parents) will automatically be REMOVED from the route and a new request must be submitted to renew services.

Please also note that if we do not have a sufficient number of students attending a given non-public school, BCS reserves the right to implement payment in lieu in accordance with ORC.